As soon as your order is ready it will be shipped. Shipping takes about 2-3 days for normal packages. Large packages take a few days longer.

You will receive an email with shipping confirmation when your order leaves our factory. This will contain the shipment number so you can track the package online.

Why do I have to wait so long for my package?

Check the shipment status to see if the package may have been delivered to neighbors or at the post office. Contact us if the shipment status has not changed for more than 5 days.

Can I change my address after the package has already been shipped?

The address cannot be changed once the package has been shipped. Once the package has been handed over to the parcel service, you will receive an email with shipment information. As soon as the parcel has been handed over to the parcel service, you will receive an e-mail with shipping information. Have you not yet received this e-mail? If so, please contact us.